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Sign the petition

We've started an online petition. Please sign and share with your friends, don't forget to add in the reason why you've signed!

Share the campaign with your friends online

More Bang For Your Bond is on Facebook and Twitter. Please like and share our posts and invite your friends to like our page to get the word out. If you see our postcards, take a picture and share it with us on facebook like these awesome people have.

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We send out regular campaign updates via email. Subscribe here.

Give out some leaflets

Download the campaign leaflet and get your friends, colleagues or clients to fill in their details and write a comment.

You could also give out some leaflets in your local community - email us if you'd like us to send you some printed copies.

Contact your local Member of the NSW Parliament

The NSW Government decides how the interest on tenants’ bond money is spent, so we’ll need a few Members of Parliament on board to get More Bang for Your Bond. Click here to see the MPs that currently support the campaign.

You can help by talking to your Member of Parliament, and asking them to support our claim - that more of the $60 million in interest from tenants’ bonds should go to tenants and tenants’ services!

You’ll find Member’ details at the NSW Parliament website. Most will also be on Facebook and Twitter, too, so it’s never been easier to talk to politicians about issues that are important to you.

Here are some talking points to keep handy:

  • From every dollar of interest that tenants’ bond money earns, less than one cent is given to tenants directly. 68 cents goes to NSW government services, and 10 cents is added a growing surplus. Only 8 cents in every dollar goes towards funding for Tenants’ Advice & Advocacy Services.
  • Funding for Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Services has not increased in real terms since 2002 - but the number of people renting in NSW has increased by 25% since then!
  • Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Services are sorely needed, but they are struggling to keep up with demand.
  • If you’ve ever received advice or assistance from a Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Service, you might consider telling your local candidates about how the service helped.

Don’t forget to tell us what they say!

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